Around half the price of selected stock items!
We need to make room for news in the warehouse.

We need to make room for news in the warehouse. That’s why we have selected around 15 items that we sell at lower prices!
We are open as usual and can send goods every weekday. Hope to hear from you soon!
260 Plate oval 33 Kaszub
996 Plate fl 26 Venus
992 Plate fl 20 Venus
991 Plate fl 18 Venus
989 Tallrik deep 22 Venus (sold out)
444 Plate sloping 30 Rita
3427 Plate deep 30 Tosca (sold out)
2527 Bowl 10x10cm Classic (sold out)
638 Bowl 8cm Like
672 Bowl 14cm Hel
4113 Bowl 13,5×13,5 Ankara
2535 Bowl 22x22cm Classic
Mugs and cups and saucers
1692 Saucer 18,5 Jumbo (only saucer)
1701 Cappuccino cup 15cl Paula
1772 Cappuccino saucer 13cm Paula
624 4989A Mug no ear ribbed 25cl Light green
624 4989G Mug no ear ribbed 25cl Brown (sold out)
601 Coffee cup 20cl Hel